My Top Ten Songs of 2016

We’re finally down to the #1 and final song on my list. I must admit that it is a little biased considering how much I love this band. But I believe they truly deserve to be #1 after all they have accomplished. When Tom Delonge left the group, they picked up guitarist/co-vocalist Matt Skiba and carried onward to create a great album, put out a fantastic first single, and prove they were still the same old Blink. You probably guessed it-unless of course you saw the video title first-Bored to Death by Blink-182.

My Top 10 Songs of 2016

Alright. I’m not sure how everyone feels about this one. But song #4 goes to Heathens by Twenty One Pilots. I know it’s super mainstream being in “Suicide Squad” and all, but it was definitely one of the biggest hits of the year. To be honest, I’m still not tired of it. I tend to jam out a bit when it comes on and my friends make fun of me or act like they don’t know me for a brief moment. But it’s just as catchy as it is intense (musically and lyrically), and I love both of those things about it.

My Top 10 Songs of 2016

I haven’t been able to write recently because the power went out for a couple days. But anyway, let’s get back to business! Song #5 of 2016 goes to Cleopatra by The Lumineers. It became popular in the later part of the year, but I fell in love with it the moment I really paid attention to the lyrics. It’s a song with a beautiful melody and a fascinatingly beautiful story. It had to be on this list.

My Top 10 Songs of 2016

For number 7, I picked another song that was released in 2015. But hey, listen. Again, not much airplay until 2016, when it actually became popular. To be honest, I’m not sure I heard it at all in 2015. But either way, I must have listened to it dozens of times last year. It’s so catchy that I can’t stop listening to it every time it comes on-and couldn’t help putting it on this list. So here it is…”Trip Switch” by Nothing But Thieves.

My Top 10 Songs of 2016

Song number 8 goes to “Something to Believe In” by Young the Giant. I love the lyrics and meaning behind it, whether you interpret as an internal battle to overcome self-doubt, or as finding your own path in life. What really enthuses me about this song are the hook and instrumentals-they draw me in every time.